Saturday, April 9, 2011

Gestalt Principles/ Activity 7

In class we talked about the four Gestalt Principles: Closure, Proximity, Similarity, and Continuity. Created images that represents each of the four Gestalt Principles.
The first Gestalt principle I crated a visual for is Closure. We see images and attach meaning to them. If there an image but it is not quite complete our brain will connect the lines completing the image that we have perceived. I created an image to show this. I used two "L" shaped blocks and rotated them so they are almost touching but there is an open space in the middle. The open space is in the shape of a square but not all of the sides are connected. Our brain will connect the lines so when we look at the image we see a square. 

The second Gestalt Principle we discussed in class was Proximity. We group things that are physically close to one another in meaning full ways. In the image that I created there are two groups of 9 of the same size circles arranged in three column by three row square. We would associate the second square as being larger because there is a greater proximity between the circles.

The third Gestalt principle is similarity. Simularity is when we group like objects together. To repersent this I had two groups of 9 circles one group had small circles and the other group has large circles.

The fourth Gestalt principle is continuity. Continuity is when we look for unity in objects. To depict this I had an rectangle with an arrow going through it. In our mind we assume that even though we cant see the arrow behind the rectangle it is still there going in a straight line.

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